Sunday, September 18, 2011

Why Affordable Art?

When I was living in Buenos Aires as a student, I couldn’t afford art for my house. I was studying and working, and only had enough money to pay my basic expenses.  I was living with my sister and her boyfriend and we wanted to have color in our house. Neither of us had the time or the confidence to make big paintings, but we saw some great paintings at a friend’s house and we found out that the painter was selling his work at very affordable prices at the Buenos Aires flea market.  So for Christmas we went to the flea market.

His name is Claudio Giannini and he is still selling his art at the Buenos Aires flea market.  He studied psychology, but art is his passion. All of his work is based on the idea of spreading art to different areas and creating art for everyone at an “honest price.” He doesn’t worry about being famous or being rich because he is living what he truly believes. His art is so free and real, and his way of thinking makes it even more valuable. I will never forget him for giving me the opportunity to have his art in my house.

We all know how important color is for our moods, and how important it is to live in a house where you feel comfortable and happy. So why do some artists make it so difficult to sell their work?  Isn’t it better to create more and more, and to do what you love?

Some people may say that if you sell cheap you are not giving value to your work, but for me the value is in a person’s desire to have my paintings in their house and to see them every day. The meaning that the person gives it and the opportunity that I have to create it make it invaluable.

If you want to learn more about Claudio Giannini, here is his video: